The Basis of your engine – Biomechanics
Your Engine – The Natural Understanding of Life, People, Exercise and Sport.
In the holistic natural understanding of man between body and soul, physique and psyche, fundamental biomechanics as a branch of biophysical forms is an important pillar of healthy and performance-oriented movement. As an independent discipline of physical education and sports sciences, medicine and orthopedics, it forms the special basis for our activities. Forces, the foundation of mechanics, play the paramount role: in the universe and thus in us humans. In particular, we look at the entire body during our analysis and having the foot ground contact point the information gathered is greater than ever before. Couple these force measurements with tried and true movement and analysis patters and we have the most comprehensive analysis process on the market. Questions of general athletics, movement patterns of multiple sports and basic medical aspects are incorporated in our work for the athlete’s benefit. The well-being of our athletes and prevention and promotes longevity with excellence.
Force – momentum – torque – energy – pressure – distance -speed – acceleration – mass – inertia
All of which are essential criteria of our BIOMOTO SPORT ANALYSIS calculated utilizing the latest in technology. Central is the expertise of our technicians and how to optimize performance through proven movement protocols. Cause-and-effect principles and deep understanding in distribution of forces in the body and responses in the game, match, or event must be understood. Recruitment of muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments rely on the physiology of the central network and data center (the CNS Central Nervous System of the Brain) ensures adaptation and optimization. The foot-ground contact point is therefore of particular importance to us. We take a holistic approach to the body and movement analysis is therefore the basis of our work.
Kenton Kaufman, KaiNan An, in Kelley and Firestein’s Textbook of Rheumatology (Tenth Edition), 2017
“Biomechanics combines the field of engineering mechanics with the fields of biology and physiology. Biomechanics applies mechanical principles to the human body in order to understand the mechanical influences on bone and joint health. Forces that load the joints are generated by muscles and transmitted by tendons. Bones must withstand these forces. Developments in the field of biomechanics have improved our understanding of normal and pathologic gait, mechanics of neuromuscular control, and mechanics of growth and form. This knowledge has contributed to the development of medical diagnostic and treatment procedures. It has provided the basis for design and manufacture of medical implants and orthotic devices and has enhanced rehabilitation therapy practices. Biomechanics has also been used to improve human performance in the workplace and in athletic competition. “
- Mass – amount of matter that a body contains
- Inertia – property of matter that causes it to resists any change of its motion in either speed or direction
- Force – any action or influence that moves a body or influences the movement of a body
- Internal – muscle contraction, tension from ligaments or muscle lengthening
- External – gravity or an external load